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Webinar: Supporting Our Growing Transfer Student Population: The Value of Being an Informed and Collaborative Librarian

In this free one-hour webinar, Peggy Nuhn and Dr. Karen Kaufmann talk about transfer students pathways, examine “transfer shock”, and share tips.

Webinar: Supporting Our Growing Transfer Student Population: The Value of Being an Informed and Collaborative Librarian

Originally presented March 31, 2021

Transfer student populations continue to grow as part of the college and university landscape, but they may not have a firm foundation in information literacy and, to a large extent, can be underserved. This deficit can contribute to “transfer shock” and impact student persistence toward graduation.

Information literacy is multi-disciplinary; therefore college and university libraries and librarians can play a vital role contributing to the academic success of and holistic support for transfer students.

In this webinar, Peggy Nuhn and Dr. Karen Kaufmann talk about the pathways transfer students may take, examine what “transfer shock” is, and share practical and impactful tips that may be implemented at your institution. 

As this sector of our student populations are a prominent part of our higher education system, we must be able to support their academic success as educators and as a vital part of our campus community. We can participate in supporting institutional initiatives which may include Performance-Based Funding, an increasing source of institutional revenue and strongly correlated to student success metrics.

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Click the link below to download the presentation slides:
Supporting Our Growing Transfer Student Population

About the author:

Julie Edwards is a librarian, instructional designer, and perpetual student. She has a BA and an MA in English Literature, an MS in Library and Information Science, and certificates in Sustainable Community Development and Learning and Development (plus a couple in teaching yoga and meditation). Julie has authored/edited two books, written numerous articles, and presented globally on librarianship. Because she doesn’t know how to relax, she also writes and makes photographs for travel and adventure publications. From 2017 to 2019, Julie taught at the University of Botswana as a Fulbright Fellow. She loves international work and is a passionate traveler (30 countries and counting).

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