Wednesday July 10 at 2:00 pm US Eastern, 11:00 am US Pacific

Join Melody Karle for this webinar on digital safety and privacy from a librarian's perspective.

How do we help patrons in this area and what guidance should and can we offer them in protecting themselves online? What are the best tools and resources? What privacy and digital safety issues might we be overlooking in our own library?

Melody will also discuss how AI and social media complicate these already challenging issues.

If you're interested but not able to attend the live webinar, go ahead and register. We'll send a recording to all registrants after the fact.


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Karle headshot

About Melody

Melody Karle is a System Administrator for the Montana Shared Catalog library consortium. She presents and writes about internet behavior, social media, and personal digital archiving, including the books A Social Media Survival Guide and Managing the Digital You. She previously worked at the University of Houston Libraries and the Lincoln County Public Libraries in Montana. In her spare time fosters cats and grows vegetables.

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