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Wednesday August 7 at 2:00 pm Eastern, 11:00 am Pacific

There is a lot of popular guidance about how to spot and avoid people who seem "difficult," "toxic," or "high conflict," but these people may be privately experiencing traumas or coping with mental health problems. It is often illegal under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to provide less communication or more screening to someone based on their seeming to have a mental impairment - yet people are pulling away from aberrant-seeming parties all of the time, in both their professional and personal lives.

Join Dan Berstein to explore tools to craft effective, appropriate, and accessible communication boundaries that address the following behavior challenges that often seem to be barriers: Monopolization of Time, Persistence on an Off-Limits Topic, Rude/Offensive/Inconsiderate Comments, and Disruptive Behaviors. Equitable norms, policies, and structures can solve a lot of issues that often make some different people seem "difficult." Participants will receive tools for email equity, trauma-informed practices, and accessibility.

If you're interested but not able to attend the live webinar, go ahead and register. We'll send a recording to all registrants after the fact.

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Berstein Headshot

About Dan

Dan Berstein, MHS, combines his professional expertise as a mediator, his academic background in mental health and public health, and his personal experience living with bipolar disorder to develop innovative online programs that use conflict resolution best practices to prevent discrimination. Through his company, MH Mediate, Dan has trained thousands of people to talk about mental health, address challenging behaviors, and resolve conflicts. Clients have included individuals, organizations, and government agencies at the city, state, and federal levels. Dan is also the Co-Founder of the Dispute Resolution in Mental Health Initiative at the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center. His book, Mental Health and Conflicts: A Handbook for Empowerment, was published by the American Bar Association in 2022.  You can learn more about Dan by watching his TEDxTalk

Niche Academy's workplace training helps organizations develop healthy, resilient, and inclusive environments. 

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